Drummer Darko is a beast behind the drum kit and the combination of Exo and Helion makes for a lethal mind inducing firestorm of riffs and heaviness. The standout tracks on Divinity are Necropolis Of Esthar's Ruins, Realms In Decay, Religious Plagues, and Under the Seas of Silence is where the black metal influence comes in based on the guitar parts alone in sections. The breakdowns in Under the Seas of Silence crushes everything in site that moves and as well that breathes. In The Path of Heleim sets the foundation of what is to come on the remainder of the Divinity. I can also find a bit of technical playing as well during the album, but none the less its none of that technical look what I can do show boating.
Divinity also has guest appearances by Christos Antoniou of Septic Flesh and Leal of Forever Slave. Christos doing orchestral arrangements and Leal handling keyboards. The words orchestral and keyboards might turn a few listeners away but by no means is Divinity a symphonic metal album. I would suggest in heading to Noctem's YouTube channel to view some videos and go too the Relapse site to order a copy of Divinity as the album shows a band that is ready to unleash their on take on quality. I don't think enough words can describe how good of an album Noctem has released.
Rating 8.6/10